Friday, August 26, 2005
Free Prose Friday
Somethings that I've been thinking about all week:

1. I like the Fair Tax proposal from Mr. Neal Boortz and Congressman John Linder. It makes since. As a side note, I still find it interesting that the Boston Tea Party happened because the colonists were outraged by a 5% tax.

2. There are some scientists in Kansas that say that the theory of gravity is flawed. Feel free to follow the link. But, in a nutshell scientists from the Evangelical Center For Faith-Based Reasoning argue it as such: "Things fall not because they are acted upon by some gravitational force, but because a higher intelligence, 'God' if you will, is pushing them down." I mentioned the article at church and it got a few chuckles. But how many times do we assign a naturalistic cause to everyday events?

3. 76% of gay men did not have a pet dog while growing up.

4. Why do Americans curse so much?

5. Some bivalve mollusks attach themselves to things with a super strong, waterproof glue-like substance called "byssal threads." This stuff sells on the market for $75,000 per gram. Research and development companies are using it to develop tomorrow's glues. I figured a mollusk farm would be cheap to start up and require little overhead, but how do you milk a mollusk?
posted by Joe Napalm @ 11:13 AM  
  • At 2:29 PM, Blogger BJ not BK said…

    1. I like the FT proposal also. It almost sounds too good to be true. Just think, abolish the IRS, tie goverment spending directly to the economy, and tax everyone equally including the illegal population who have bypassed or taxation system along with those involved with less than desirable behaviour. Those opposed to this plan are in fear of losing their power, plain and simple. Also, think of how this would stimulate our economy?
    2. I have to admit that I too laughed at the comment on gravity. Can't both be true? God created gravity which pushes things back down? I guess there are two schools of thought there. One being that God is passive and the other that God is intimately involved so much in the universe that He holds things down. I often dismiss everyday events to naturalistic causes instead of giving God the credit and the glory.
    3. don't know what to make of that statistic.
    4. !@#%$!@#@# who cares?
    5. You mile a mollusk with a miniatrue mollusk stool and pail. Make sure your hands are warm as they are very sensitve to cold hands.

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