Thursday, September 07, 2006
Lieutenant Colonel Joe Napalm Weighs In
At risk of skewing the results of my on-going "bigot" poll (Link), I share a few thoughts on recent events concerning the War on Terror. (We should call it "War on Islamic Fascism," but that's another post.)

1. The Drudge Report is reporting that Iranian President Ahmadinejad is planning a trip to New York to speak at the United Nations. Here's our chance! This weekend, ABC will air a two-part miniseries that portrays the Clinton Administration's failure to capture or kill Osama bin Laden and the events that led up to 9/11. I fear that if we don't take advantage of Ahmadinejad's visit and kill him we'll see documentaries in the future showing Bush's impotence to capture or kill the Iranian president in the events leading up to the nuking of Tel Aviv.

2. The more accurate our weapons have become, the more hamstringed we have become in prosecuting wars. Senators Feinstein and Leahy spearheaded a bill to eliminate the funding and usage of cluster munitions, an area weapon that opens at altitude and drops hundred of little bomblets. Thankfully, the bill died.

In World War II, the 8th Air Force firebombed Berlin. In the Pacific theater of WW2, the U.S. Air Force reported that 3% of its bombs reached the target. In both the European and Pacific theaters, showing the devastation of the Allied military might was sometimes necessary for those that wanted to oppose us. The Soviets were terrified of the West during the Cold War because they witnessed the power and our willingness to use it.

I saw a report on TV during Operation Iraqi Freedom that our Air Force was dropping laser-guided bombs filled with concrete instead of explosives. Saddam Hussein's army was in the habit of parking tanks and artillery pieces in civilian areas, so our "concrete bombs" could disable or destroy military equipment without any damage to the surrounding homes. The Iraqi army was right that we are afraid of the backlash of killing "innocent civilians" and the Islamic Fascists around the world know it, too. Iran knows we have the power, but we're unwilling to use it.

Right now, I say that the notion of "innocent civilians" is a myth and that collateral damage is sometimes necessary, but I'm willing to listen to arguments.

3. There's a report out there (I'm too lazy to find a link. Just trust me on this one.) that the U.S.'s war on terrorism is failing because we're prosecuting fewer terrorists in court than we were 6 years ago. You can't try a dead terrorist. You can quote me on that.
posted by Joe Napalm @ 9:50 AM  
  • At 7:26 AM, Blogger Heather said…

    I noticed that the Today Show was reporting that many Democrats, as well as President Clinton, are asking for edits to be made to the miniseries before it is shown. What are your thoughts on that Joe?

  • At 9:48 AM, Blogger Joe Napalm said…

    Simply put, it is attempted censorship. For the party that cries the most about censorship, they should be ashamed.

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