Tuesday, September 13, 2005
I'm Conservative, Therfore I Offend
On my way back from lunch at Panera Bread (Mmm, I.C. Mocha), a guy on a motorcycle stopped behind me at the light at the corner of Papermill and Hollywood. Apparently, my "W The President" bumper sticker excited him. I had my windows down and he was going on about President Bush this and Iraq that. By the time we stopped at Lonas, he was really fuming. He started to get more animated--his head was bobbing and he got louder and louder. We turned opposite directions and he drove off shaking his fist.

But I couldn't make out his exact point because I didn't want to turn down the Rush Limbaugh Show. ...Winning to war on ideas.

And something else I've noticed: Supreme Court Nominee Judge John Roberts is brilliant. In fact, I don't know how he sits there listening to those wind bags. The senators have large staffs that have had weeks to prepare questions based on years of documents. And then the question is posed with a bias--conservative or liberal. And many times it's not really a question at all. But Judge Roberts answers the questions without notes and does so with conviction and without hesitation.

Also, I heard that Senator Kennedy stepped out of the hearings to appear on CNN. While the hearings were going on, Kennedy was commenting realtime on live TV while other Senators were questioning and Judge Roberts was answering. Why was he not in the hearings? To me, that's outrageous. I mean it's absolutely disrespectful and despicable. Low, very low.
posted by Joe Napalm @ 1:54 PM  
  • At 9:36 AM, Blogger BJ not BK said…

    Unbelieveable huh? Why do people hate W so much? U understand not agreeing with someone that is fine. I don't always agree with W's policies and decisions but I don't hate him. I definitely don't agree with Ted's opinions and views but again, I don't hate him. Why can't we disagree and have intelectual arguments instead of character assasinations of the most personal kind? I was listening to Neil B the other day and he relayed a story from www.democraticunderground.com where someone had written in on how he was going to stop and help a stranded mother and newborn on the freeway. As he approached her car he noticed a W sticker, sped up and gave her the finger! He stated that he had an unbridled hatred for the woman at that time and couldn't understand her stupidity? For real?

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