Monday, November 28, 2005
JAR (Joe's Archaeological Review)
Reuters.UK reported on November 13, 2005, that "Goliath's name" was found in an archaeological dig. This is the first archaeological evidence suggesting "the biblical story of David slaying the Philistine giant actually took place." You can read all about it here.

At the end of the article I found it interesting that the head of the archaeology department at a university near Tel-Aviv said, "Up until now most of what we know about the Philistines is from the Bible's point of view. ... We get a very, very subjective view. They're the bad people, the barbarians, we don't get anything nice about them. When we look at the Philistines from an archaeological point of view we get evidence of a very rich, dynamic, fascinating and advanced culture." The archaeologists should have counted themselves lucky that the Israelites took a right turn coming out of Egypt. There probably wouldn't have been artifacts to discover if the Children had taken the coastal road to Canaan.

Also, as recorded in the Bible we know that Lot's daughters slept with their father and bore him sons. I have skimmed over the story several times and, normally, have curled my nose in disgust. But, why did they do it? I read it last night in a new light.

Imagine the daughters and their family in flight from the the sudden and total destruction of two cities. On the way their mother looks over her shoulder and--POOF!--is turned into a pillar of salt. A couple of nights later, the two girls, their father and the rest of the household are holed up in a cave outside of Zoar. They probably believed that they were the only people on the face of the Earth--Noah style. So, the oldest daughter devises a plan to carry on their father's line and repopulate the Earth. Read it. Makes sense, huh?

When a caravan of nomads passed by the cave a couple of days later, the oldest daughter reportedly screamed, "Doh!"
posted by Joe Napalm @ 10:00 AM  
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